Wyetech Labs Jade

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Line tube amplifier with ELMA volume control from Denmark - (0.1% precision metal film resistors)


Tube Complement3 - 6SN7GT Valve Art dual triodeFrequency Responsereference to a sine wave at 3.5 Vrms output

  • +/- 0 dB FLAT ...  15 Hz to 200 kHz
  • +0 dB/-1 dB ...  7 Hz to 520 kHz
  • +0 dB/-3 dB ...  3 Hz to 950 kHz

Input Impedance: 50K ohms minimum

Absolute Phase: non-inverting

Channel Balance Control: 11 position for +/- 5 dB adjustment in 1 dB steps

Attenuation 24: position stepped volume control (-60 dB to 0 dB)

Output Impedance: 600 Ohms

Rated Output: 3.5 Vrms (maximum = 8.5 Vrms)

Slew Rate: Greater than 25 Volts/microsecond.


  • 2 pre-amp outputs
  • 1 tape output
  • 1 line level output


  • 4 line level inputs
  • 1 tape input

Power Requirements

  • Switch selectable 115/230 Volt, 50/60 Hz
  • 35 Watts

Net Weight18 lbs (7.8 kg)Shipping Weight23 lbs (10 kg)Dimensions17 in. W x 14 1/4 in. D x 4 1/4 in. H

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